Saitenflügel - Konzertsaal im Künstlerhof, Alt Lietzow 12, 10587 Berlin
Trio Tougarashi: Felix Komoll, Izumi Ose & Akira Ando (Weltmusik, Jazz) (Spätsünder-Meisterkonzert)
Weltmusik, Jazz, Impressionismus
Ein einzigartiges Trio, das Jazz mit impressionistischen Klängen zu Weltmusik kombiniert.
Voller Spielfreude, Seele und Spannung. Der Berliner Gitarrist, Flötist und Komponist Felix Komoll, die aus Japan stammende Pianistin und Aktionskünstlerin Izumi Ose und der japanische Kontrabassist Akira Ando kennen sich aus der Zusammenarbeit mit der Band The Japps in Berlin.
Die vielseitige kreative Bandbreite der drei unterschiedlichen Ausnahmemusiker verbindet verschiedene musikalische Einflüsse mit subtilen Kompositionen aus eigener Feder.
Felix Komoll - Gitarre, Querflöte
Felix Komoll - Gitarre/Querflöte
Felix Komoll ist eine feste Größe in der Berliner Gitarrenszene. Er war Stipendiat an der Universität von Jerusalem Rubin Academy for Music and Dance. Sein Stil ist von brasilianischen sowie klassischen Einflüssen und der Zusammenarbeit mit Musikern rund um den Globus geprägt. Seine Kompositionen werden u.a. vom Babylon Orchester aufgeführt. Seine persönliche Spielcharakteristik ist geprägt durch eine Kombination von klassischer Gitarre und einem avancierten Jazzsound sowie dem Freiheitsdrang der Improvisation. Musikalische Komplexität und Virtuosität bleiben bei Felix Komoll stets subtil eine besondere Frische und Leichtigkeit durchströmt sein künstlerisches Schaffen.
Akira Ando - Kontrabass
Born in Sapporo, Japan, in 1955, he is a contrabassist, cellist and composer of a wide variety of music. He started his career as a musician in the seventies in clubs around Tokyo. Between 1984 and 1998 he lived in New York, and worked with various loft musicians as Cecil Taylor (Godfather of Free Jazz), Billy Bang (Afro-American violinist), William Parker (bassist, composer, band leader). He also played with a salsa band and jazz bands of almost every genre.
Living in Berlin since 1998 as a freelance musician, he is part of the creative jazz scene, playing with Takabanda, Abrasaz, Boom Box, The New Trio, as well as other renowned musicians here and abroad.
In 2011 he founded his own group “The JAPS “ (Jazz As Pure Spirit) with mostly Japanese artists.
In recent years, Akira has been organizing several music and dance performances such as "Time Flies", "Der Sechste Sinn", "Licht und Schatten" , "Zwischen Himmel und Erde". In 2014 he was the main organizer of the event “Fukushima the Aftermath” in cooperation with the museum Story of Berlin, again performed in 2016 at the Werkstatt der Kulturen, Berlin, on occasion of the fifth anniversary of the incident at Fukushima.
In addition to his performing and composing activities he contributes his experience as a contrabassist / e-bassist teaching at the Music School Neuruppin.
Izumi Ose - Piano
Born in Gifu, Japan. She started piano lessons at 6 years old. Started her career as melodica player in 1996. Played in Makoto Nomura's melodica orchestra "P-blot" and other bands mainly in Tokyo. Moved to Berlin in 2003 and joined many improvisational sessions as vocalist and melodica player with her unique voice technique. Toured to Poland, Romania, Austria, Netherland, France. Also joined in dance performances and opera as performer. While her style is focused on free improvisation, it has been influenced also by free jazz and Japanese folklore.
Her ability to play everything from serious music to Japanese folk songs made her a very interesting and obvious choice when it came to complementing the JAPS with a piano player / vocalist.